If you are self-represented (see below), a chapter 7/13 trustee, a member of the media or are otherwise a party entitled to a fee waiver pursuant to a standing order of the court, you will receive an email to which you MUST respond for us to mark your account as fee waived.


In that email, you need to include your name, your position (e.g., trustee, pro se), and the judge overseeing your case(s). We will mark you as a fee waived account and then you will be able to make a reservation and appearance.


You will NOT be able to make a reservation without replying to the email and receiving confirmation that your account is activated.


Self-represented means individuals who are representing themselves in their own bankruptcy matter. It is not for employees of entities or funds working on behalf of that entity. If you require further clarification, please contact us.


This policy may be revised without notice.